[Sub] JUQ-701 “Married Secretary: Creampie Intercourse Filled with Sweat and Kisses in the Presi…

  • Code: JUQ-701
  • Title: [Sub] JUQ-701 “Married Secretary: Creampie Intercourse Filled with Sweat and Kisses in the Presi…
  • Stars: 小野りんか
  • Runtime: 130 min

Rinka was running a cleaning company with her husband. At the beginning of their business, they were busy every day, but gradually lost customers to larger competitors, and now they were struggling every day. Ohtsuka’s company was also a client, but they were finally cut off from the contract. At that time, Rinka learned that Ohtsuka was looking for a secretary and went for an interview. However, what was being recruited was a mistress, not a secretary. It was a ridiculous story, but Rinka had a large amount of debt and, above all, was starving for love, so she accepted Ohtsuka’s lewd kiss to test his determination…

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