[Sub] JUQ-734 “A One-Night Stand with a Married Flight Attendant I Met on a Business Trip…But …

  • Code: JUQ-734
  • Title: [Sub] JUQ-734 “A One-Night Stand with a Married Flight Attendant I Met on a Business Trip…But …
  • Stars: 浜辺栞帆
  • Runtime: 150 min

Atsushi, who was on a business trip to Hakata, was at a loss when his return flight was cancelled. But then, a flight attendant approached him in the lounge and it turned out to be his neighbor, Shiori, who he had never noticed before. They hit it off and ended up spending the night together. Unable to book a hotel, Atsushi ended up sharing a room with Shiori thanks to her kindness. After that, Atsushi continued to have an affair with her under the guise of business trips, both at the airport and at their destinations. Their actions gradually escalated and Atsushi started to engage in acts that he couldn’t do with his wife, instead indulging in them with Shiori.

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